viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2021

Hallucinogenic Mushrooms 馃崉馃崉馃崉

The other time I read an article that completely caught my attention as it had this title; "HALLUCINOGENIC MUSHROOMS: NATURAL TREATMENT FOR DEPRESSION?" There are evidence that old cultures consumed psilocybin mushrooms in different parts of the world. In fact in the article a scientist Paul Stamets mycologist, activist for bio-medication and medicinal mushrooms said that humans consumed hallucinogenic mushrooms at least 7,000 years ago and we are one of the 23 species of primates that ingest them. that's crazy!

It is a very interesting topic, it has been discovered that psilocybin somehow reorganizes the way in which neuronal networks operate on a daily basis, that is, the fact that the negative thoughts you are having are repeated over and over again, psilocybin breaks that pattern in a significant way.

Antidepressants act on a receptor that alleviates the symptoms of depression and allows emotional functioning on a daily basis, psychobilin does the opposite, it increases the difficult emotions and that can have a therapeutic benefit. When confronted with traumatic processes, it opens the possibility of reworking the narrative of these situations, and bring the traumas to resolution. Very much like therapy.

Currently modern science seeks to decipher the mysteries and potential uses of these psychedelic substances, and one of the first discoveries they have made is their potential use for the treatment of psychiatric illnesses such as depression.

viernes, 29 de octubre de 2021

The leap, From High School to University馃馃お馃馃✨


The leap from school to university brings many personal challenges in my opinion, but don't be afraid, on the contrary, it's part of a learning process that we all must go through.

Some of the challenges are: adapting to a new way of studying, since you have to learn more difficult concepts and procedures, you have to develop techniques that allow you to self-manage your work. Another challenge is to make new friends, technically we leave a bubble and come to a more diverse context, where you have to integrate and resolve conflicts with very diverse people. Another challenge is to organize our time very well.

Generally, universities have a group of professionals who help you choose the right study method for you, and accompany you in the first years, there are also tutorials in the fields that require it.

As advice I always say that you should not be afraid to ask for help, sometimes you are very demanding with yourself and sometimes you even make the mistake of feeling ashamed to ask for it, but no! It is the best thing you can do. We are not machines of the system, college should not ruin your mental health, if you feel pressured take a break, we are not in a competition of who gets there first.

Chilean Church in Crisis 馃寛馃敟

Image 1 "Burning of one of the churches of Santiago de Chile, San Francisco de Borja after the commemoration of 18O"

The time when the Chilean Church was in crisis due to cases of sexual abuse committed by priests marked me deeply. They were episodes of violence that, in some cases, went back several decades.

When the burning of churches took place, the written press dealt with this event by highlighting facts linked to violence, insecurity, terrorism and public order in general, instead of offering a historical or social understanding of the phenomenon. There is a wound in Chilean men and women that the Chilean State has not been able to heal, and it is that the mere fact of thinking that Karadima died in total impunity makes me justify such acts of violence.

I believe that the Chilean Catholic Church should be willing to review its past and tell the whole truth.

I am not a believer, and I consider myself ignorant with the universe of religions that exist. However, I respect each one of them and I think it is very good that people find in it, a light that helps them to be the best version of themselves, among other things.

Healthcare system in $hile馃樂☠ (pandemic version)

Image 1 "I'll do whatever it takes to save you, some will work themselves to death, others I'll let be fired. STOP LAYOFFS"

With a social and political crisis in between, these last few years have made me reflect a lot about the system as a whole, coming to the conclusion that; when one thinks that nothing can be worse, one is wrong, because everything can be even worse xd, Welcome to the $HILE say around there.

Since the first covid-19 contagion, government policies took an erratic strategy to combat it, not always in tune with the epidemiological dynamics of the infection nor with the economic, social and cultural conditions of Chileans.

The measures were:

-Implementing a series of economic measures that delivered money to a defined group of people without guaranteeing that they reached SMEs.

-As for the workers, they didn't consider that a large part of the Chilean working class is employed in informal jobs, is self-employed or does not have a permanent contract, therefore the money didn't reach everyone.

 -Companies could arbitrarily dismiss their workers because of the health crisis, or force them to resort to the funds accumulated in the unemployment insurance.

Workers were exposed to a double pandemic: health and economic subsistence.

s谩bado, 25 de septiembre de 2021


How has women's participation in the polls influenced,
Why is it important that we go to the polls this 21/11/21?

In the history of Chile, the struggle for our right to vote lasted for decades and mobilized thousands of women throughout the country, women who were convinced that our voice should be heard. In 1934, women's suffrage was approved for municipal elections, and it was not until 1949 that women were granted the right to vote in presidential and parliamentary elections.

                                          Image 1 "Elena Caffarena doing Memch radio campaign, 1938"

It has been 72 years since the approval of women's suffrage, and we women have only participated in the election of 10 presidents of the Republic, considering that the country has elected more than 30. It is important that women vote, because the groups that do not participate are delegating their participation to others. 

In these presidential primaries I think it is very important not to forget that women have been excluded for centuries and we must not lose the opportunity to participate and fight with our vote, against ideas that obscure our rights. Especially when there are presidential candidates' programs that seek to subtract the advances in gender and women's rights. A government without a gender perspective is going backwards.

 Image 2 "The struggle for women's suffrage in Chile"

jueves, 15 de julio de 2021

MY FAVORITE SUBJECT : Plant morphology and anatomy.

Image 1 "Cooksonia, one of the first terrestrial plants of the primitive earth"

Today im going to talk about my favorite subject. My favorite subject in university has definitely been plant morphology and anatomy. Basically, plant morphology studies the external structure; that is, the organs that make up the body of the plant (leaves, stems, roots, etc.). And anatomy studies the internal structure of the plant; that is, the tissues that make up each of the plant's organs. 

I really enjoyed this bouquet because each class was a great new discovery for me, it is such a microscopic world that at first glance we see it so simple but in reality it is all event.

Image 2 "Open stoma of a plant"

I have been fascinated to understand the evolution and adaptation of terrestrial plants with flower and without flower through adaptation mechanisms that, although I think they have been random, have marked a before and after in the history of the earth and also in that of The humanity.

Image 3 "Mckenna´s theory that proposes the consumption of halucinogenic fungi by hominids as an evolutionary detonant of the human race"

The truth was a world that I thought I knew but over time I realized that it is much more complex than what I imagined.

mi茅rcoles, 14 de julio de 2021

Douglas Thompkins (:


Photography 1 "Douglas Thompkins in Chile"

When I asked myself who should be admired in the forestry world, the first thing I thought was the admirable and great legacy that Douglas Thompkins left with his wife here in Chile.

I really admire people who have meaningful projects, and he was one of them!

In short, Douglas was an American businessman who created the great brand of outdoor products "The North Face" and together with his first wife he created "Espirit", a clothing brand for women's dresses. After a while, Tompkins sold The North Face to focus on filming adventure travel and, increasingly concerned about the ecological impacts of the fashion industry, decided to leave the corporate world, sell his shares and allocate most of it. from their income to the conservation of the land.

Photography 2 "Douglas and Kristine McDivitt, his second wife)

In an article I read that he dreamed of a Patagonia crossed by a protected biological corridor. It was criticized by many! Since they could not understand that such a millionaire businessman dedicates all his time and energy to conservation. It was totally strange for them that a man had a different look at nature, a look that goes beyond the mere transformation of it. He died on December 8, 2015.

Time taught us that we were privileged and fortunate that Tompkins chose southern Chile as the epicenter to undertake this titanic task of creating new parks and their subsequent donation to the State of Chile. In total, the foundation that bears his name donated 407,000 hectares to the State, which is the largest donation of land by a private person to a State.

Hallucinogenic Mushrooms 馃崉馃崉馃崉

The other time I read an article that completely caught my attention as it had this title; "HALLUCINOGENIC MUSHROOMS: NATURAL TREATMENT...