viernes, 29 de octubre de 2021

Healthcare system in $hile😷☠ (pandemic version)

Image 1 "I'll do whatever it takes to save you, some will work themselves to death, others I'll let be fired. STOP LAYOFFS"

With a social and political crisis in between, these last few years have made me reflect a lot about the system as a whole, coming to the conclusion that; when one thinks that nothing can be worse, one is wrong, because everything can be even worse xd, Welcome to the $HILE say around there.

Since the first covid-19 contagion, government policies took an erratic strategy to combat it, not always in tune with the epidemiological dynamics of the infection nor with the economic, social and cultural conditions of Chileans.

The measures were:

-Implementing a series of economic measures that delivered money to a defined group of people without guaranteeing that they reached SMEs.

-As for the workers, they didn't consider that a large part of the Chilean working class is employed in informal jobs, is self-employed or does not have a permanent contract, therefore the money didn't reach everyone.

 -Companies could arbitrarily dismiss their workers because of the health crisis, or force them to resort to the funds accumulated in the unemployment insurance.

Workers were exposed to a double pandemic: health and economic subsistence.

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