viernes, 29 de octubre de 2021

The leap, From High School to University🤘🤪🦾🧠✨


The leap from school to university brings many personal challenges in my opinion, but don't be afraid, on the contrary, it's part of a learning process that we all must go through.

Some of the challenges are: adapting to a new way of studying, since you have to learn more difficult concepts and procedures, you have to develop techniques that allow you to self-manage your work. Another challenge is to make new friends, technically we leave a bubble and come to a more diverse context, where you have to integrate and resolve conflicts with very diverse people. Another challenge is to organize our time very well.

Generally, universities have a group of professionals who help you choose the right study method for you, and accompany you in the first years, there are also tutorials in the fields that require it.

As advice I always say that you should not be afraid to ask for help, sometimes you are very demanding with yourself and sometimes you even make the mistake of feeling ashamed to ask for it, but no! It is the best thing you can do. We are not machines of the system, college should not ruin your mental health, if you feel pressured take a break, we are not in a competition of who gets there first.

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