jueves, 15 de julio de 2021

MY FAVORITE SUBJECT : Plant morphology and anatomy.

Image 1 "Cooksonia, one of the first terrestrial plants of the primitive earth"

Today im going to talk about my favorite subject. My favorite subject in university has definitely been plant morphology and anatomy. Basically, plant morphology studies the external structure; that is, the organs that make up the body of the plant (leaves, stems, roots, etc.). And anatomy studies the internal structure of the plant; that is, the tissues that make up each of the plant's organs. 

I really enjoyed this bouquet because each class was a great new discovery for me, it is such a microscopic world that at first glance we see it so simple but in reality it is all event.

Image 2 "Open stoma of a plant"

I have been fascinated to understand the evolution and adaptation of terrestrial plants with flower and without flower through adaptation mechanisms that, although I think they have been random, have marked a before and after in the history of the earth and also in that of The humanity.

Image 3 "Mckenna´s theory that proposes the consumption of halucinogenic fungi by hominids as an evolutionary detonant of the human race"

The truth was a world that I thought I knew but over time I realized that it is much more complex than what I imagined.

miércoles, 14 de julio de 2021

Douglas Thompkins (:


Photography 1 "Douglas Thompkins in Chile"

When I asked myself who should be admired in the forestry world, the first thing I thought was the admirable and great legacy that Douglas Thompkins left with his wife here in Chile.

I really admire people who have meaningful projects, and he was one of them!

In short, Douglas was an American businessman who created the great brand of outdoor products "The North Face" and together with his first wife he created "Espirit", a clothing brand for women's dresses. After a while, Tompkins sold The North Face to focus on filming adventure travel and, increasingly concerned about the ecological impacts of the fashion industry, decided to leave the corporate world, sell his shares and allocate most of it. from their income to the conservation of the land.

Photography 2 "Douglas and Kristine McDivitt, his second wife)

In an article I read that he dreamed of a Patagonia crossed by a protected biological corridor. It was criticized by many! Since they could not understand that such a millionaire businessman dedicates all his time and energy to conservation. It was totally strange for them that a man had a different look at nature, a look that goes beyond the mere transformation of it. He died on December 8, 2015.

Time taught us that we were privileged and fortunate that Tompkins chose southern Chile as the epicenter to undertake this titanic task of creating new parks and their subsequent donation to the State of Chile. In total, the foundation that bears his name donated 407,000 hectares to the State, which is the largest donation of land by a private person to a State.

How can forestry engineering make the world a better place?

Photography 1 "Forest plantations are not forests"

If we search the network for "disadvantages of the forest industry" we can find a problem that has been discussed for years, since forest plantations harbor less biodiversity than native forests, reduce the availability of water, increase the presence of exotic species, they frequently involve the use of herbicides, are subject to pest attack, promote erosion, increase sedimentation in water courses, store less carbon than native forests, and new precedents appear every day that harm climate change. Forest plantations are not forests.

Image 1 " Native forests are characterized by their resilience"

As a forestry engineer, I would like to be in charge of research that allows better forest management in forests, ensuring the care and respect of native forests so that no forestry company ends them. I believe that with this vision I could help society to become aware of the importance of the forest for ecosystems.

I am sure that if a better management of forests around the world were proposed, that is, a more sustainable management, protecting it through laws and promoting environmental education in society, we could make a great positive change for these ecosystems.

Hallucinogenic Mushrooms 🍄🍄🍄

The other time I read an article that completely caught my attention as it had this title; "HALLUCINOGENIC MUSHROOMS: NATURAL TREATMENT...